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Jasmi's  Corporate Social Responsibility

Health Awareness Campaigns

Jasmi's Corporation is a huge advocate of health awareness, and since day one of its establishment, has put an effort in creating health awareness in the community. Over the years, Jasmi's has taken the initiative to participate in various worldwide campaigns, such as the Diabetes Awareness and Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns. A percentage of the proceeds of such activities are donated to the relevant organizations stationed in Bahrain. 

Charity Works

Jasmi’s is committed towards making donations to charity organizations as a way of giving back to the community. As one of the leading businesses in the country, Jasmi's strives to set an example of good business conduct to other businesses as well.


Jasmi's gives back to foundations such as those dedicated to the elderly, orphanages, health charities, civic organizations, and education systems.



Jay's Pedometer


Jasmi’s encourages customer and employee wellbeing through an innovative app called Jay's Pedometer. The concept of Jay's Pedometer is simpleWalk To Eat.™


On a weekly and monthly basis, Jasmi's awards the customer who has walked the most number of steps with a free value meal. 


This is an innovative step that Jasmi's has taken to promote wellness and an active lifestyle.

Beach Cleanups

Jasmi’s is committed towards organizing and participating in beach cleanups in hopes to encourage good citizenship.  Jasmi's takes to social media to showcase the importance of removing trash before it infiltrates our inland and coastal waters. Jasmi's employees are the first volunteers in such an event, but the general public are also encouraged to lend a hand.


Participants are treated to breakfast and lunch meals from Jasmi's as a reward for their hard work.

Jasmi's Corporation W.L.L. All rights reserved. © 2025

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